Antenatal Care
Useful advice on pregnancy and antenatal care visit www.rollercoaster.ie
Antenatal screening available in Ireland, visit the following sites: www.ismybabyhealthy.ie
Advice on this common respiratory condition www.asthmasociety.ie
Child Health and Parenting
Information on childhood Immunisations and Vaccinations www.immunisation.ie
Breast feeding advice www.breastfeeding.ie
Parenting advice eumom.com/ie
Fathers-to-be and new fathers http://www.dad.ie
Family Planning
Irish Family Planning Association www.ifpa.ie
Think Contraception www.thinkcontraception.ie
Health services in Ireland
Health Service Executive www.hse.ie
European Health Insurance Card www.ehic.ie
Citizens Information www.citizensinformation.ie
General Practitioners in Ireland www.icgp.ie
Mental Health
Aware www.aware.ie
Alcoholics Anonymous www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie
National Counselling Ireland www.ncii.ie
National Suicide Prevention http://www.1life.ie/
Samaritans www.samaritans.org/
Men’s health
Men’s health issues http://www.malehealth.co.uk/
Sexual Health
Advice regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections www.ssha.info
Women’s health
Cervical screening www.icsp.ie
Cervical cancer vaccine www.tellher.ie
Crisis Pregnancy Agency www.crisispregnancy.ie
Advice on breastfeeding www.breastfeeding.ie